Arianne Olegario

During the course of recording for the Sound Bath Sessions project, I wanted to see how sound baths were like in other countries around Asia. I scheduled a trip to the Philippines for a few days to see family and record a few sound baths. I was able to get in contact with three practitioners in or near Manila: Rosan Cruz, LJ Navera, and Arianne Olegario.
Arianne began her journey of self-healing around 10 years ago when the life she had planned out for herself couldn’t happen. She has learned Reiki, Innerdance, and more recently sound baths for her own self-healing and the healing of others. Arianne works as a consultant for USAID specializing in gender equality for development projects in southeast Asia.
Arianne plays metal singing bowls for these sessions and all tracks were recorded at Yoga Shala in Quezon City. .
Sound Bath 037: [Listen here]
Another great one from Arianne. I like the way she strikes a single bowl multiple times before moving on, firmly embedding it in your consciousness before moving on. The sultry rim sweep allows the streetscape sounds to emanate from below. It is as if she is playing with the world beyond the space.
Sound Bath 023: [Listen here]
In the beginning of the track, you can hear her say in the beginning of the track, "creation and communication". This is the intention that the practitioner puts on the sound bath. Arianne starts by sounding individual bowls several times before moving onto the next. Sometimes each strike can have a different energy; tapping the bowl harder or softer can release hidden overtones in a bowl. She slowly begins to incorporate more different combinations of bowls with dynamic tempos that change the depth of your experience. The busy street below can be heard creating a great sense of place.