Welcome to Sound Bath Sessions

Sound Bath Sessions is a subscription-supported, curated audio collection featuring exclusive recordings from sound bath practitioners in Asia. The project serves as a platform to build and strengthen the Asia sound bath community by connecting listeners, practitioners, and venues with each other.

All sound baths are recorded on location and are released on a weekly basis.

Listen to the project releases at these fine digital establishments:

Bandcamp | Insight Timer

During my research on sound baths for this project, I found that there were plenty of sound baths on media platforms and apps but they are generic, not localized, and have no community surrounding them. I met with new, local practitioners with their exotic handmade instruments, and more mature practitioners who were deeply rooted in their communities and masters of their craft. They all had the common ambition to use sound and meditation to help people with various mental and physical health conditions and to promote general wellbeing. It was a shame that none of these people were properly represented in the medium that they wholeheartedly believed in and so passionately worked with- Sound.

Unique recordings
Sound baths are highly intimate experiences for listeners looking to relieve stress or to escape reality for a moment. However, they are also examples of very personal expressions for the practitioners. This project documents 'sound portraits' of each practitioner's improvised performances using monotonal and/or atonal instruments.

When finding example sound baths out there on popular music/ video platforms and apps, I felt that there was a lack of recordings that emphasized the idea of performance and the sense of place. Being a location sound recordist, I believe that these two ingredients are essential to make an interesting and engaging sound documentary piece.

The recordings are captured in one take and lightly edited where needed, but you will hear background noises and other human imperfections. The intention is to offer a unique, intimate document that could be listened to for relaxation and/or meditative purposes.

While the recordings can be consumed for entertainment or meditative purposes, I believe that it is the combination of both of these that allow you to fully experience this project. The entertainment is what you experience when you meditate to these recordings.

The cost for subscription is US$3 (HK$29) per month. Your subscription gives you access to all of the sound bath releases and helps us to get more sound bath practitioners involved and to expand the project to other cities around Asia.