Candace Cheung

Candace was the first person whom I contacted to be a part of this project and was the first one who gave me my first sound bath. After several recordings, she remains my greatest inspiration and motivation for this project. Candace plays crystal singing bowls in her sound bath sessions. Being a small distributor for Crystal Tones crystal singing bowls along with her sister, she always has a large stock of bowls she uses in her sessions with no two being the same. She is always trying something new in her sessions frequently inviting other practitioners to collaborate. To know more about Candace, read an interview here.
This was the first track I recorded of Candace for Sound Bath Sessions right after the New Year holiday. Crystal bowls still mesmerize me no matter how many times I hear it. Her selection is ever changing with each new shipment that comes in so really no two sessions are alike. She does have her favorite bowls to use but there is a special flair that she selects to make it more special. As she pursues more certifications for sound therapy, her technique has become more precise, confident and her sessions encourage a deeper connection. Not to be missed.
Because it was still school holidays, I invited my daughter to tag along and experience her first sound bath. She said it sounded relaxing but didn't anticipate how uncomfortable a single yoga mat was after 30 minutes. Next time she will layer up. I have since played this to her for her own relaxation and she frequently dozes off to it for an afternoon nap or at bedtime.
This was the second recording of Candace that we did for SBS. Everytime we record i hear a progression. I don't know if it is her bowl selection or her confidence but the result envelops you like a warm hug more and more. The tinkling of a rain stick at the end to brings you back.
This was the third recording of Candace and I was pleasantly surprised to see that Karina Curlewis would be joining the session. Karina is a yoga instructor at Ikigai Central, and I met her during Candance's second recording. She expressed her interest in using her voice during a sound bath.
Candace had large bowls that had an amazing low, warm grounding resonance. All the bowls used paired really well with Karinas amazing voice.