
After weeks of not recording, I finally was able to record Crystal @meditading . I have found that the more I do this project, the more I need it. I think it is the journeys, both physical and mental, that it leads me on. My previous recordings in nature had almost the same effect but there is a deeper connection with something human made, something perhaps exclusive only to us.

Crystal has been practicing singing bowls for about two years and gives sound baths at Serene Page @serenepagehk in TST. She uses only a small selection of metal singing bowls, a shaker, and a large tongue drum. Her style is slow, delicate, and abstract, determining the rhythm or sequence from my breathing and her emotion. Patches of silence left me to dream where I was suspended until the next sound moved me. Her tongue drum had such a magical sound urging emotions free that had been buried, leaving me ready for a new journey. Her layering of sounds and instruments was such that it seemed that at times she was not the only one playing.

Sound Baths out soon.