Michelle Chow

Michelle Chow has been a sound bath practitioner for a few years and has recently been learning and using tuning forks in her therapy sessions. Michelle Chow has been a sound bath practitioner for a few years and has recently been learning and using tuning forks in her therapy sessions.

This was the first time I had recorded a sound object other than singing bowls or gongs for Sound Bath Sessions. It was interesting to hear how tuning forks is used as an instrument. Multiple forks can be held to create complex frequencies for new experiences.

Sound Bath 036: [Listen here]
In this track Michelle plays her metal singing bowls. Our final recording that night, it was a great finale to a long day. I didn’t know how much I needed this until I woke up at the end totally unaware of how the time had passed. Every time I listen to this recording, there is something just so comfortable, so familiar about it. Do you feel it?

Sound Bath 018: [Listen here]
In this track she held one or two forks at the same time- sometimes in one ear, sometimes in both- creating this enveloping sound that pierces the brain. As the strike of the forks by a rubber mallet activate them, the room slowly disappears as they come closer to your ears for a few seconds. She activates them again as they weaken over time twisting and turning them to create a swirling sensation.